Initiation into the feminine arts

Training & Certification Program

Calling all healers, wisdom keepers, teachers, feminine leaders, and highly sensitive women ready to live and serve through the heart at their highest potential.

Are you tired of feeling disconnected from your true feminine essence in a world that constantly demands you to be something you're not?

Do you long to reconnect with your sensual, soft, and feminine nature?

If so, we invite you to join us in our transformational 12-month training and certification program, The Initiation, a journey of deep feminine awakening through the study of the ancient feminine arts.

Learn the advanced spiritual path of tantra through the ancient mystery school teachings of the feminine arts:

  • Nervous system health

  • Feminine pathway to transformation and awakening

  • Embodied initiations, fully integrated ~ AWAKEN SOUL REMEMBRANCE THROUGH INITIATION and tap into your highest potential, activating deep seated memories on why you are here at this time.

  • Shadow Work: RELEASE ENERGETIC BLOCKS and activate a deeper connection to your life force, your Shakti.

  • Sensuality & Body Sovereignty ~ UPGRADE YOUR ENERGY SYSTEM ON A DEEP CELLULAR, DNA LEVEL and align with the Earth cycles, moon cycles, Earth hum, and your own shakti flow. EMBODY FEMININE PRACTICES to move forward into integrated wisdom and deeper self-knowing

  • DIVE INTO THE FEMININE DIMENSIONS OF CONSCIOUSNESS and discover your gateway to Source. Learn to work with the initiatory and sacred cycles of the feminine ~ and bring more balance, peace, stability, love and bliss into your life and relationships

  • Menstrual health and magic


  • BECOME CERTIFIED TO WORK AS A LEADER IN THE FIELD OF THE FEMININE ARTS and be of greater service to the spiritual healing and evolution of humanity

Throughout the program, you will dive into body prayers, meditations, breathwork, sacred rituals, ancient ceremonies, tantric practices, and body movements designed to awaken the multi-dimensionality of the feminine. This soul-building work offers genuine enlightenment of the body and mind as it heals the relationship of your inner divine masculine and feminine energies, creating divine inner union.

By the end of this sacred journey, you will have integrated "self-knowledge" to incorporate these teachings into your daily life and practice. You will emerge as an embodied woman, prepared to support the evolution of the soul of humanity.

Don't miss this opportunity to reconnect with your true feminine essence and step into your power as a leader in the field of the feminine arts. Join The Initiation today and embark on a journey of deep feminine awakening that will transform your life and the lives of those you serve.

Note: Certification is optional and available for those who choose to complete the requirements. The program is also suitable for personal development and awakening.

This mystic initiation is designed for heart-centered women leaders who desire to incorporate the ancient mystery school teachings of the feminine arts into their lives and work. Through this training you will surpass your own limitations through a stronger connection to Source, leading you to help your clients transform faster and facilitate higher levels of spiritual awakening.


  • Initiation Rites Secrets: Live practices giving you the ancient rites & mystery school teachings and tools to activate your rites mastery. Weekly & monthly practices intentionally prepared to take you deep into the feminine mysteries.

  • Feminine Arts Activations: Workbooks, PDF’s, Video Trainings & Prompts

  • Soul Tantrika Journal: Prompts to help you activate your magic. Soul work for deep remembrance & soul retrieval.

  • Live gatherings in the temple every six weeks to speak and experience the practices (can also join online): One at the beginning of each Spiral, with a live call in the middle of the Spiral, and more calls when I feel the group will benefit more from extra guidance around practices.

  • Womb Work Initiations & Activations

  • Initiate Mystery School Amara Retreat at the end of the 12 months. An exclusive experience designed to nourish your mind, body, and soul while providing you an opportunity to connect with each other in person. Full day retreat to activate our initiations, Embodiment practices, Sensuality Activations, Shamanic journeys, Delicious Food, Sisterhood, & More

  • Initiated Tantrika Community. A live group support call each month throughout The Initiation + access to me by email

  • What’sApp Goddess Group for ongoing support from me while growing a sacred sisterhood community. This group will continue to grow as more initiates join, creating a growing sacred community

  • An in person Vision Quest will be required for completing The Initiation and obtaining certification. This will require an extra cost of $500 + flight & transportation if needed.


Payment plans are available if needed. Please contact me.